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Training the next generation

A new course has been launched by the University of Derby to prepare the next generation of police officers.

The course, titled 'BA (Hons) Policing and Crime Scene Investigations' was put together by former police officers, academic professionals and researchers and aims to provide advanced skills and critical thinking for professional practice in the criminal justice system.

The University of Derby has built a reputation as a world leading provider of police education and has one of the largest teams of academics with policing experience in any UK university.

Course Leader, Mark Flint-Freel, Lecturer in Criminology at the University of Derby has worked in the police service for 30 years, Mark brings significant experience to his role as a lecturer.

Mark has served as a frontline police officer, police trainer, close protection officer for the late Margaret Thatcher when she was Prime Minister, riot training instructor, and home beat officer.

Mark also runs the foundation in policing a University qualification for police cadets currently being looked at by the National Volunteer Police Cadets (NVPC). Both Nottinghamshire Police and Derbyshire Constabulary are taking part in the scheme.

Modules on the course allow students to specialise in challenging areas, such as: ■ Hate, Ethnicity and Crime ■ Cybercrime ■ Psychopathy of Offenders ■ Serious and Organised Crime

• For more information go to:

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