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BSc (Hons) Policing at the University of Wolverhampton

The pioneering BSc (Hons) Policing course started at the University of Wolverhampton in September 2008. It is the first pre-entry full vocational undergraduate course in policing offered in Britain. Students are admitted to the BSc (Hons) Policing degree on terms equivalent to admission for degrees in nursing, teaching, social work, business management and much else besides. It is part of a more general and long overdue programme to fully professionalise policing in this country.

The course was developed in close collaboration with West Midlands Police, and offers students a world of opportunities in the force and allied occupations.

The course recognises that the modern police officer needs a detailed understanding across a wide range of disciplines. The degree therefore allows students to benefit from the knowledge of experts across the University. Students will learn law in the School of Legal Studies, health issues from professionals in the School of Health, and forensics using our state-of-the-art forensic science laboratories in the School of Applied Sciences.

Students will also pick up vital knowledge in the areas of criminology, diversity, professional ethics, management, and multi-agency collaborative working. Highly experienced Ex-Police officers teach where the course is directed specifically at police work.

Eligible students will also have the opportunity to serve as Special Constables with West Midlands Police, completing a structured programme of induction before commencing their patrol duties. West Midlands Police will also be offering a bursary to all students who graduate having successfully completed the Special Constabulary work placement and are recruited into the West Midlands Police. The West Midlands Police have encouraged the University to expand admissions onto this course because of the volume of well-qualified students that the course is attracting. The West Midlands Police regard this as a major contribution to their future recruitment of high quality police officers.

As well as a career in the police force,
the course addresses a wide array of other occupations which require graduates with forensic investigative skills, knowledge of criminal and other related law, appreciation of mental health, and a wider understanding of the social context in which policing is conducted.

Dr Martin Wright, the BSc (Hons) Policing Course Leader, was an Inspector with the West Midlands Police before joining the School of Legal Studies at the University of Wolverhampton. He commented: "We are pleased to be engaged in supporting West Midlands Police through the academic and professional development of future applicants to the police service. We would stress that the degree is not 'training' but unequivocally academic in nature, on a par with any other undergraduate degree. We welcome the opportunity provided to the students on the degree to apply to West Midlands Police to become Special Constables, as it provides considerable benefits in grounding their knowledge"

BSc (Hons) Student Profile: Mohammad Waqar Khan

"I started the BSc (Hons) Policing course in September 2008 with the University of Wolverhampton. One of the main reasons that I applied to study on the degree is that my career goal is to join the Police Service and work up the ranks, hopefully to the rank of Chief Constable.
The University of Wolverhampton is a great place to study, and there are lots of resources available to the students, including the personal tutors, who are very helpful.
"Even before submitting my application, I was really impressed with the course. It was developed with one of the top performing police forces in the country, the West Midlands Police, and this really influenced my decision.
What is very appealing about the course, is that you are able to undertake a placement as a Special Constable and actually put into practice what is taught. I also realised that the degree will help me to purse a successful career, and potentially lead to opportunities on the High Potential Development Scheme.
One of the other benefits of the course is that students are taught a variety of subjects, such as diversity, law, and criminology. Furthermore, I am already a Student Special Constable with West Midlands Police, stationed at Thornhill Road Police Station in Birmingham.
After graduating, and with the experience I will have as a Special Constable, I will apply to the West Midlands Police Service and take my first steps to fulfilling my ambitions in the Police force."

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