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Biology (A' Level AS/A2)

eDistant Learning
Ref: EDOC - ALS01
Course Type: Home Study
Study Hours: 150 Hours/Flexible
Tel: 0800 009 6081

The A' Level Biology (AS/A2) course is divided into six comprehensive units:

AS Units

The whole course is assessment objectives based and combines a number of 'learning outcome' expectations. The assessment objective weightings for the AS award are as follows:

AO1 -
Knowledge and understanding of science and of
How Science Works - 30-34%

AO2 - Application of knowledge and understanding of AO3 science and of How Science Works - 34-40%
AO3 - How Science Works - 28%

Unit 1: Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health
Unit code 6B101This unit carries 40% of the total AS marks and 20% of the total GCE marks

The unit is externally assessed.
Availability: January and June

Content summary

Structure and function of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins; enzyme action
Structure and properties of cell membranes; passive and active transport
Structure and role of DNA and RNA
Replication; protein synthesis
Monohybrid inheritance
Gene mutations
Principles of gene therapy; social and ethical issues


This unit is assessed by means of a written examination paper which lasts 1 hour and 15 minutes:

Objective questions
Structured questions
Short answer questions
How Science Works
Practical-related questions

Unit 2: Development, Plants and the Environment

Unit code 6B1202- This unit carries 40% of the total AS marks and 20% of the total GCE marks

The unit is externally assessed Availability: January and June

Content summary

Cell structure and ultra structure of eukaryote and prokaryote cells: cell specialisation
The role of meiosis
Genotype and environmental influence
Stem cell research and its implications
Biodiversity, adaptations and natural selection
Principles of taxonomy
Plant cell structure
Transport of water in plants
Uses of plant products


This unit is assessed by means of a written examination paper which lasts 1 hour and 15 minutes:

Objective questions
Structured questions
Short answer questions
How Science Works
Practical-related questions

Unit 3: Practical Biology and Research Skills
Unit code 6B103 This unit is worth up to 20% of the total AS marks and 10% of the total GCE marks

The unit is externally assessed
Availability: June


You will write a report of between 1500 and 2000 words which will be either a record of a visit to a site of biological interest, or a report of research into a biological topic. Your practical skills knowledge will be assessed within this unit but for distance learning students this will not be hands-on.


The report will be marked and moderated by Edexcel and the practical knowledge element will be authenticated by your tutor.

The full specification can be viewed and downloaded from the Edexcel website.

How Science Works

You may have noticed that this phrase comes up in assessment and objective criteria. This builds on from Key Stage 4 science and is related to the following:

The use of theories and models, ideas and clarifications
The ability to use knowledge and understanding to address scientific problems
The ability to use appropriate methodology and ICT to answer scientific questions
Practical knowledge and risk assessment
Analysis and interpretive skills
Evaluation skills
Be able to communicate information and ideas using appropriate approach and terminology


The introduction has covered the basic course content and assessment criteria. Further information can be obtained through Edexcel.

The final assessment criteria and structure is the same regardless of which approach you choose.

Your tutor will support you with your project formulation and give you guidance with appropriate topics and ideas.

Predicted grades can only be given upon sufficient assignment submissions, and students are encouraged to complete all assignments as they provide valuable revision resources for written examinations and ensure that all topics have been covered.

Biology A2 Modules

The whole course is assessment objectives based and combines a number of 'learning outcome' expectations. The assessment objective weightings for the A2 award are as follows:

AO1- Knowledge and understanding of science and of How Science Works 26-30%

AO2 - Application of knowledge and understanding of AO3 science and of How Science Works 42-48%

AO3 - How Science Works 26%

A2 Unit 4: The Natural Environment and Species Survival
Unit code 6B104

This unit carries 40% of the total A2 marks and 20% of the total GCE marks

The unit is externally assessed
Availability: January and June
First assessment January 2010

Content summary

Photosynthesis; energy transfer within ecosystems
Evidence for global warming
Evolution through natural selection and speciation
Nutrient recycling
DNA profiling and PCR
Structure of bacteria and viruses
Infectious diseases and immunology


This unit is assessed by means of a written examination paper which lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes:

Objective questions
Structured questions
Short answer questions
How Science Works
Practical-related questions

Unit 5: Energy, exercise and coordination
Unit code 6B105

This unit carries 40% of the total A2 marks and 20% of the total GCE marks

The unit is externally assessed
Availability: January and June
First assessment June 2010

Content Summary

ATP, glycolysis, anaerobic/aerobic respiration
Control and functioning of heart, ventilation and cardiac output
The nervous system
Impact of exercise on body, and improving performance
Hormonal coordination
Brain structure and development
Imbalances in brain chemicals
Human Genome Project


This unit is assessed by means of a written examination paper which lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes:

Objective questions
Structured questions
Short answer questions
How Science Works
Practical-related questions

Unit 6: Practical Biology and Investigative Skills
Unit code 6B106

This unit is worth up to 20% of the total A2 marks and 10% of the total GCE marks

The unit is externally assessed
Availability: June
First assessment June 2010


You will write a report of between 2700 and 3300 words which will be about an experiment or investigation that you have designed and carried out. Your practical skills knowledge will be assessed within this unit but for distance learning students this will not be hands-on.


The report will be marked externally and moderated by Edexcel and the practical knowledge element will be authenticated by your tutor. The full specification can be viewed and downloaded from the Edexcel website.

How Science Works

You may have noticed that this phrase comes up in assessment and objective criteria. This builds on from Key Stage 4 science and is related to the following:

The use of theories and models, ideas and clarifications
The ability to use knowledge and understanding to address scientific problems
The ability to use appropriate methodology and ICT to answer scientific questions
Practical knowledge and risk assessment
Analysis and interpretive skills
Evaluation skills
Be able to communicate information and ideas using appropriate approach and terminology


The introduction has covered the basic course content and assessment criteria. Further information can be obtained through Edexcel. The final assessment criteria and structure is the same regardless of which approach you choose.

Your tutor will support you with your project formulation and give you guidance with appropriate topics and ideas.

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