National survey launched to help identify emerging workforce challenges across blue light services
Monday, 5th June, 2023
Since 2010, SFJ Awards has conducted regular large-scale national surveys to provide a comprehensive picture of new and emerging workforce challenges in emergency and protective services.
It has recently launched its 2023 State of the Workforce Survey to identify critical skills and development shortages at an individual, organisational and systemic level to support the UK government and sector leaders as they plan for the workforce of the future.
“For over 10 years’ our research has helped shape the delivery of workforce initiatives and people strategies, supporting employers to make evidence-based decisions and to target effective resources in their efforts to improve the workplace,” says Jon Parry, Head of Research at SFJ Awards.
“Given the current challenges that the sector is facing, the intelligence to better understand the complex skills issues that health and care leaders need to address is more important than ever.” Jon continues.
The State of the Workforce Survey is open to all employees working in operational, non-operational or managerial roles at any level of seniority in the emergency and protective services.
Responses will be treated in strictest confidence and help contribute towards building the evidence base to influence government and key justice sector leaders as they set their workforce priorities.
The survey is a mix of free-text and multiple-choice questions and should take around 15 minutes to complete.
To complete the SFJ Awards State of the Workforce Survey (via SurveyMonkey) visit: