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Oarsome Challenge- Flint House and The Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal

Thursday, 17th March, 2022

THE OARSOME CHALLENGE | Thursday 24th March will see staff, ambassadors, police officers and patients tag-team row 45 miles (73 kilometers) – representing the distance from Flint House (Goring Lock) to the home of our Patron HRH the Queen, Windsor Castle (Old Windsor Lock).

We hope to raise money to purchase some much needed equipment (listed below) for our rehabilitation department. We have also decided that all money raised on the 24th March from our Oarsome Challenge will be split evenly between Flint House and the Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal. Please give generously.

What your donation means to the British Red Cross:

Red Cross teams in Ukraine have distributed over 90,000 food and hygiene parcels and provided food, warm clothes, and other aid to around 7,000 people sheltering in metro stations in Kyiv. First aid training has also been delivered to over 12,000 people taking cover in metro stations and bomb shelters, so they have the skills to treat their loved ones if needed. Red Cross teams in bordering countries are offering medical care and providing food, aid and shelter to people arriving from Ukraine.

What your donation means to Flint House:

  • Customised Gym storage system: £529.60
  • 10 Kettlebells: £193.95
  • 4 x Plyo boxes: £924.52
  • Wall Mounted Chin Up Bar: £69.95
  • Glute / Hamstring Developer: £1074.60
  • Stack of Dumbbells and Rack: £379.99
  • Sliderboard: £159.99
  • 25Kg Dumbbells: £135

#redcrossukraine #Flinthousepolicerehabilitation #policecharities #donatetoday #donationsneeded

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