Get your spring on
Tuesday, 16 March, 2021

After the huge success of our Advent Challenge, which had over 600 participants, TeamPolice is excited to announce another free online event to engage the whole family during, what we hope will be, the last stages of lockdown.
What is Get Your Spring On?
Created to get us all out there and moving, the spring challenge is five days of fun activities and exercise suitable for all ages, from individual cardio strength training to playing rainbow tag and nature-card bingo with the whole family!
Details of the activities will be available through the site just before the start of the event. There will be daily sporting challenges for adults and older children as well as some activities and games suitable for any age which will get you all moving. There will also be optional competitions and quizzes to take part in on the platform to help you gain points towards becoming the 2021 spring challenge champion! The Champion will be the highest scoring profile on the platform, you can claim points for completing challenges and for participating in the extra online events.
Who can join the fun?
Anyone with a link to the police is welcome to register and engage with the challenge platform and it’s free to join, the aim is to get active and to have lots of fun outdoors with your family.
How to register for the challenge
All you need to do is to register here and we will contact you a few days before the challenge starts with further information and to open up the activity area so you can plan ahead. You can also engage with other families through the platform.
We would love to hear and see your Get Your Spring On achievements. Share your #getyourspringon updates and images on twitter and they will automatically feed onto the community platform.
Remember to follow the COVID guidelines for outdoors and stay at least 2 metres away from others outside your household or support bubble.
Sign up today and join us for some outdoor fun in April! #getyourspringon