New online video resource for police launched – connecting academic researchers and police practitioners
Friday, 15th March, 2019
This year’s SEBP (Society of Evidence-Based Policing) conference at the Royal Society (13th & 14th March 2019) was the platform at which Dr IPIP (Investigative Psychology for Investigative Practitioners) was officially launched.
Dr IPIP uses academic research findings on best investigative practice and what works best in a variety of topics as a basis for videos on the Dr IPIP website or on the Dr IPIP YouTube channel.
Academic research in the field of policing, criminology, investigative psychology and many other areas produces incredibly useful findings that would be relevant to police practitioners the world over. However, this research is published in academic journals which are not generally read by front-line investigators. Dr IPIP takes those research findings and creates short videos on them that present the information in a jargon-free and hands-on way that will allow viewers to use that information in their own work.
Dr IPIP is provided as a YouTube channel, but as many forces do not allow their staff access to YouTube at work, all videos are also released on
The Dr IPIP website will also provide the audio of the videos as a podcast, to allow consumers to have Dr IPIP on-the-go, and listen to it whilst they commute, exercise or walk the dog, for example.
On there, users can also download a pdf version of the written content of each video to allow them to keep it as a reference. When people subscribe to the website or channel, they get notified whenever new content is uploaded.
Content already published covers introductions to investigative psychology, offender profiling, and investigative interviewing. At yesterday’s launch it was made very clear that viewers’ input is sought on topics they would like to see covered and they were urged to contact Dr IPIP with content suggestions and requests, to allow the platform to provide the highest value possible.
Dr IPIP is the brainchild of investigative psychologist Dr Susanne Knabe-Nicol, whose PhD thesis was on ‘Behavioural Analysis for Police Investigations’. Susanne has been working in policing for over a decade and has long been frustrated with the lack of a proper channel of communication that would allow police practitioners to find out, understand and use whatever researchers have found.
Susanne is currently employed by a UK police force, Dr IPIP is separate from that employment and was built in her own time.
Dr IPIP YouTube channel You Tube
Dr IPIP on Twitter