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3M to host valuable emergency service vehicle fitter workshops

Tuesday, 24th October, 2017


Science-based technology company, 3M, is hosting a number of nationwide workshops for fitters of emergency services vehicle liveries this autumn, to help keep a niche group of highly-valued personnel at the top of their game.

The classes have been designed to meet the demands of those wishing to know the latest techniques for applying Diamond Grade DG³ retroreflective sheeting by 3M, to emergency service fleets.

Training will be delivered by 3M Technical Service Specialist Andy Fish and is open to any fitter wishing to broaden their skillset, or for new and existing Diamond Grade DG³ Emergency Service Vehicle partners of 3M in need of valued refresher training.  

3M recognises the need for its converter partners and fitters to be kept up-to-date on the best techniques for applying Diamond Grade DG³ sheeting from 3M.

When working in difficult and highly dangerous conditions, the emergency services professionals depend on being seen in order to be safe. To save lives and protect the public, it is essential that vehicles are quickly recognised at all times and in all weather conditions, whether at the scene of an emergency, or speeding through traffic.

3M has been providing effective reflective livery to emergency service vehicles for more than 10 years, exceeding the required specifications for reflective vehicle liveries in the UK.

By utilising innovative full corner cube technology, rather than older truncated cube technology, specialists at 3M have designed Diamond Grade DG³ to be optically efficient, reflecting back more light than traditional reflective material.

The upcoming workshop training will include theory and practical elements on utilising such products competently, including an introduction to retroreflection and an overview of the differences in commonly-used materials.

This will be followed by discussions on the basics of adhesion and application, where Andy will explain how to affix material correctly and cover ways to avoid common application challenges.

A concluding practical session will allow attendees the chance to try their hand at applying the Diamond Grade DG³ material from 3M to a BMW 530d police spec vehicle.

There are 12 workshops organised at various fitter locations around the country during October and November, with the potential for more to be added if demand requires it.

Andy Fish said: “Hosting these fitter workshops will ensure that 3M is helping the professionals to benefit from our new developments, with fitters using one of the best retroreflective materials on fleet vehicles in order to help the emergency services do their jobs safely.

“It’s an opportunity for us to share our expertise as the material manufacturer, but also a chance for fitters to share best practice with us and one another to ultimately make fitting  Diamond Grade DG³ by 3M even easier.”

To find out more about the autumn workshops and how to register your interest, visit

For more information about 3M, visit

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