A closer relationship
Monday, 9th October, 2017
The Chief Constables of Dorset Police and Devon & Cornwall Police have announced plans to explore further collaboration and closer working between the two forces.
There is an established strategic alliance programme between the forces which has seen significant efficiencies and better working in the last four years.
While this announcement does not preclude any outcome, one avenue now being explored further is the possibility of a full merger between the two forces uniting Devon & Cornwall Police and Dorset Police into one police force.
Police and Crime Commissioners from both forces have informed the policing minister of their support for the Chief Constable's intentions to actively explore options and a consultation with key stakeholders such as locally elected MPs and councils will begin.
In a joint statement Chief Constables Shaun Sawyer, Devon & Cornwall, and Debbie Simpson, Dorset, said: "The strategic alliance has made significant progress helping us provide a more effective and efficient policing service to the residents of our three counties. "We now see this as a timely opportunity to progress this alliance further, including a potential aim to merge our resources and create a more resilient police force."
Shared leadership is already in place across both forces with two deputy chief constables that share portfolio areas and directors that lead support functions and business areas across forces, as well as operational commanders and heads of department in some areas.
Operational police departments such as Operations, Roads Policing and Prevention as well as 17 other business areas are also operating across three counties with a further 11 departments currently going through changes which will see them aligned.
The forces also now share a number of support services such as Administration, Information Technology and Human Resources.
Both Chief Constables added: "We know working together has increased our resilience, streamlined our leadership and unlocked new capabilities in our support functions allowing us, where we can, to re-invest in our services. We feel that now is the right time to explore whether a full merger between the two forces is possible."