SP Services launch Crowded Places Crisis Response Kits
Friday, 8th September, 2017

The UK's National Counter Terrorism Security Office has published their new Crowded Places Guidance, written to help those charged with security at crowded places to mitigate the threat and help make the UK less vulnerable to an attack. Part of this guidance includes advice on putting together Crisis Response Kits.
Crowded places include shopping centres, sports stadia, bars, pubs and clubs which are easily accessible to the public and attractive to terrorists.
SP Services have developed a SP Crisis Response Kit that conforms to the NaCTSO guidance and then enhanced it with their own extensive product experience and then put all the items in one handy equipment holdall.
Paul Watts, Head of Business Development at SP Services said “The new Crowded Places Response Kits are ideal for when the sudden evacuation of buildings or crowded places should occur. With our kits you have the peace of mind knowing that if an emergency evacuation is necessary, you have all the equipment you need, in one place, to ensure the safety of your workforce or members of the public.”
Paul added “At SP Services we can also produce other kits, large and small, that meet an organisation's specific requirements, that’s why we can be relied upon to provide Everything You Need in an Emergency”.
For more information contact sales@spservices.co.uk or call 01952 288 999.