Bucks New University graduate wins award from Thames Valley Police
Thursday, 7th September, 2017
A Buckinghamshire New University graduate has gained first-class honours in her degree and won an award from Thames Valley Police for the quality of her work.
Beth Copeland graduated in BSc (Hons) Police Studies with Criminal Investigation and is working as a 999 Operator at Thames Valley Police HQ in Kidlington, Oxfordshire.She was presented with the Thames Valley Police Shield at her graduation after impressing during two years working as Special Constable in High Wycombe as part of her degree.
Beth said: “I’m very honoured that I was put forward for the award and even more so that I won it.“The highlight of my three years at Bucks New University was most definitely the two years as a Special Constable in High Wycombe. I enjoyed it so much I have continued working in the role alongside my position in Kidlington.“Working as a Special Constable gave me a valuable insight into the world of policing, of the experiences that officers face daily, and the pressures that are facing policing officers in contemporary society.
“In University I also spoke to prospective students on behalf of Thames Valley Police at Open Days. Being a Special Constable is one of my proudest achievements.”Senior LecturerMaurice Collins said: “Beth has been an excellent student and a role model for others who she inspires with her positive attitude and energy.”Inspector Chloe Robinson, of Thames Valley Police, said: “I worked closely with Beth while she was a Special Constable and part of a team which I used to supervise. “Special Constables are volunteer police officers who play an incredibly important role in policing the Thames Valley and being a Special Constable provides a range of new opportunities and skills to individuals. “Beth has been a credit to the Special Constabulary and an absolute pleasure to work with.”