Durham success
Thursday, 13th April, 2017
Durham Constabulary has maintained its position as the top performing police force in the country - for a third year in a row.
Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary's (HMIC) assessed each of the 43 forces in England and Wales to see how effective they were at keeping people safe and reducing crime.
And Durham was the only one to receive an overall grade of 'outstanding'.
In the individual areas assessed, the force was deemed 'outstanding' at preventing crime and anti-social behaviour and keeping people safe.
The force was also graded 'outstanding' at tackling serious and organised crime.
Meanwhile, Durham was deemed to be 'good' at investigating crime and reducing re-offending and 'good' at protecting the vulnerable.
The report says: "Overall the effectiveness of Durham Constabulary is judged to be outstanding. HMIC has taken account of how the constabulary treats, identifies and supports vulnerable victims, investigates crime - especially serious and organised crime - and engages with its communities.
"It has equipped officers well to work with partners to promote resolutions that protect communities and victims.
"It has a very strong culture of problem-solving, routinely sharing knowledge of best practice in preventing crime and anti-social behaviour."
Chief Constable Mike Barton said: "To achieve these results is remarkable and I hope everyone who works or volunteers for Durham Constabulary takes pride in knowing they are the best in the country.
"Many other police forces have come to Durham to try and work out what we're doing differently and they're always struck by the attitude and ability of our employees."