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New Police Structure

Tuesday, 11th April, 2017

New command team at Dyfed-Powys Police


Having now settled into his new role, Dyfed-Powys Police Chief Constable Mark Collins has made the decision to return to a four-county command model, returning individual policing Commanders to each county.

The new model, which mirrors the local authorities, sees new faces heading up Carmarthenshire* (Supt. Gary Mills) and Powys (Supt. Jon Cummins) with Supt. Robyn Mason moving from Powys over to Ceredigion.  Supt. Ian John remains as Commander for Pembrokeshire.

Under the new approach each county's senior management team will consist of a Superintendent, a Chief Inspector Operations, a Chief Inspector for Partnerships and Support, and a dedicated Detective Chief Inspector.

Chief Constable, Mark Collins, said: "This is a positive change for Dyfed-Powys Police which will make it easier for us to meet the needs and expectations of local people."

"Work is also underway to strengthen our Neighbourhood Policing delivery.  This structural change at the command level in each county ensures officers and staff on the ground are available and are directed to the areas in which they are needed most. These changes also support better, more co-ordinated problem solving at the earliest opportunity."

Speaking on behalf of the new commanders, Supt. Ian John, Commander for Pembrokeshire, said:  "There is much change ongoing across our Force area and I'm looking forward to putting the new structure here in Pembrokeshire into action."

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