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£140,000 available for good causes in latest round of the Safer Communities Fund

Tuesday, 13th December, 2016


Recovered criminal cash will be put to good use as the latest round of West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Mark Burns-Williamson's Safer Communities Fund opens for applications.

The Safer Communities Fund is financed through money recovered from criminals by West Yorkshire Police and prosecutors under the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA).

The latest round of the Fund has £140,000 available for voluntary, community groups, charities and partners who meet the outcomes in the new Police and Crime Plan.

Groups are able to apply for grants of up to £5000 to fund projects that will keep their community’s safe and feeling safe.

The Fund has undergone an update following the release of the new Police and Crime Plan last week and potential applicants are advised to read the refreshed guidance notes and terms and conditions before starting their application.

This latest grant round comes after the Fund crossed the £1.5m milestone with over 340 projects from across West Yorkshire benefitting so far.

Mark Burns-Williamson said: "The Safer Communities Fund is now in its 10th grant round and continues to have a direct and meaningful impact in our communities. The continuation of making this fund available I feel is crucial and a key pledge I made on being re-elected.

“Grants will be awarded to projects looking to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour, safeguard vulnerable people, make sure criminal justice works for communities and support victims and witnesses.

"I know government cuts have impacted on our communities in different ways and I would urge any organisation looking to make a difference to see if they are eligible to apply for a grant of up to £5000.

"Without the hard work of West Yorkshire Police and prosecutors this fund couldn't exist and I am continually grateful for their excellent work in recovering ill-gotten assets from criminals."

West Yorkshire Chief Constable Dee Collins said: “It is really satisfying to see criminal proceeds being put back into the communities which have often been directly harmed by the actions of these individuals.

“I encourage anyone who is aware, or has suspicions about people who may be benefitting from crime or those who appear to be living well beyond their means, to let us know.

“We are determined to vigorously pursue proceeds of crime confiscations through the courts to ensure criminals do not benefit from crime and helping make money available to improve communities.”

To find out more about the Safer Communities Fund, including how to apply, visit The Fund closes for applications at 5pm on 20 January 2017.

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