Murder, Mau Mau, Mystery and more
Friday, 1st July, 2016
Those are the topics that speakers will cover at this year’s Police History Society Conference. It will be held at the Imperial Hotel, Parkhill Road, Torquay from Friday 16 September to Sunday 18 September
The speakers on Saturday are
Steve Beamon: Company Servants to Queen’s Officers – policing Britain’s railways, docks and canals
Neil Bell: Police Notice – policing Whitechapel in 1888
Chris Forester: The Black and Tans – England’s shame, Ireland’s opportunity
Sandra Hempel: Getting away with Murder – criminal poisoning in the 19th century
John Newton: The Mau Mau Insurrection
After dinner on Friday, Lindsay Siviterwill reveal all about Lord Lucan – an enduring mystery
The conference is open to both members and non-members of the Society. The cost is £249 (single) and £344 (couples), which includes 2 nights’ accommodation in the 4-star hotel and all meals from Friday dinner to Sunday breakfast. Day rates, with or without the Conference Dinner, are also available
Guests of honour at the Conference Dinner will be Bill Skelly, Deputy Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall, and his wife. The Devon and Cornwall Constabulary Historic Collections display van is expected to be on site to visit, and on Sunday morning there are numerous attractions in the local area to explore
Bookings can be made until 18 August by contacting Mike Vince, Conference Director at or visiting the PHS website