Police and Crime Commissioner launches Connect Newsletter
Wednesday, 7th January, 2015
CAMBRIDGESHIRE Police and Crime Commissioner, Sir Graham Bright, has launched a new monthly newsletter to highlight some of the initiatives under way to help make Cambridgeshire a safer place.
The monthly Connect newsletter will cover a range of topics on policing, crime and community safety. The first issue includes features on support for the victims of crime, the new Volunteer Police Cadets scheme, tackling Alcohol-related crime, improving mental health support and Safer Cycling.
Sir Graham says: “This newsletter is one of the new ways I plan to communicate with people in 2015. I hope to highlight some of the great work that is going on to keep the people of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough safe. When I meet people they are amazed at the amount of work going on that they were not aware of. This bulletin will provide a snap-shot of some of the initiatives under way.
I also hope that people will use it as an opportunity to feedback to me their thoughts and concerns on the issues raised. I pledged to be the voice of the people so it is important to me that people tell me about local issues – the good and the bad”
The Newsletter can be downloaded from
You can sign up to receive the Newsletter on the Police and Crime Commissioners website at http://www.cambridgeshire-pcc.gov.uk/