New Police Contact Point opens in Tesco, Wisbech
Monday, 5th January, 2015
Members of the public in Wisbech can raise any issues or concerns with their local policing team as they do their food shopping.
A new Police Contact Point is officially opening this week (7th January) by Cambridgeshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Sir Graham Bright. The Contact Point will be regularly staffed by Sir Graham Bright’s Outreach Worker and local police who will be on hand to hear the views of the public and provide advice and guidance.
Sir Graham said: “The contact point will be a high visibility ‘drop in’ to allow the public to raise any issues or concerns either with my Outreach Worker or with the local policing team.
“This is all about listening to the public and further increasing the time our officers spend out in their communities. People can come along to discuss any issues or concerns they want to see being addressed within the Wisbech area.”
Police and Crime Commissioner Sir Graham Bright, Outreach Worker Nicola Fenton and members of the local policing team will be at the Police Contact Point meeting members of the public on Wednesday, January 7th, 13.00pm and 14.30pm at the Tesco store in Wisbech.