A Guide To Bullet Proof Vests For Police Officers
Friday, 21st November, 2014
The United Kingdom is often viewed on the safer side of the spectrum where guns are concerned. Especially when compared to countries like the United States (310 million) which has approximately the same number of guns as residents, the UK’s 4 million guns seems low. However, this does not mean that guns do not pose a high threat in the United Kingdom and as a result, police officers need to ensure that they’re adequately protected at all times. The minimal gun numbers in the region have made the necessity to don body armour. Additionally, the fact that police officers in the UK aren’t regularly equipped with firearms makes ballistic protection an option that seems less necessary than it should.
Statistics show that the end of March was a time where only a meager five percent of Welsh and English police officers were granted the authority to carry a firearm. Through this, the most sought after medium of protection was not had by the greater percentage of police officers, many who didn’t consider the aid that body armour would provide in protecting them.
Too many police officers have lost their lives to gunfire
Gunfire has been the cause of too many police officer deaths in the United Kingdom. Amongst these fallen heroes are:
Pc Richard Gray, a trained firearms officer who lost his life when trying to detain an armed suspect who was described as ‘violent’ and ‘unstable’.
Pc Ian Dibell was killed trying to protect two citizens who were the main target of a gunman in Clacton, Essex.
Fiona Bone and Nicola Hughes were lured in by a perpetrator, equipped with not only a firearm, but also grenades. The attack occurred in Greater Manchester and resulted in both women losing their lives.
Protective Gear Can Save Lives
Evidently, police officers in the United Kingdom aren’t immune from the fatalities a gun can cause. In order to ensure that the best chance of survival is had when on the job, the right bullet proof vest should be sought after. With different levels, styles and sizes, it’s important that careful thought goes into the selection of a bullet proof vest.
The levels
Amongst the levels of ballistic protection a police officer should opt for are: levels II and IIIA. Below, we’ll take a look at just what these levels are capable of protecting against.
Level II
The Level II vest is a great option for police officers who are likely to face a threat from the most common forms of handguns. It’s able to protect against ammunition including those of a 9mm FMJ traveling at speeds up to 1175 feet per second as well as from .357 JSPs traveling as fast as 1400 feet per second.
Level IIIA
Level IIIA vests are designed to offer protection against 9mm FMJs travelling at up to 1400 feet per second, .44 Magnum Semi Jacketed Hollow Points traveling as fast as 1400 feet per second as well as lower level rounds. This vest is the highest level in which soft body armour can be obtained.
Covert Vests
Covert vests are ideal for police officers seeking both discreet protection and comfort. They’re intended to be concealed and thus, often incorporate fabrics such as cotton which makes it possible to wear the vest directly against the skin without the need to worry about irritation. Another feature that works in favor of a covert vests comfort is that it is exceptionally lightweight and thus, not bothersome when worn for long periods of time.
How effective are covert vests at offering protection?
The incorporation of durable fabrics such as Kevlar means that covert vests are able to successfully minimize the effects of blunt trauma injury by mushrooming the bullet upon impact. It’s important to note that when purchasing body armour, a reputable manufacturer should be selected- one that complies with the NIJ standards.
Overt Vests
Overt body armour is worn above clothing and is often seen donned by members of the military as well as SWAT times. With materials such as steel and ceramics used to give added protection, these vests are typically heavier than covert gear and not ideal for long term wear. However, in the event that armour piercing ammunition or rifle rounds pose as a threat, an overt vest is the better option. These vests are available in levels III and IV.
Police officers who intend on purchasing bullet proof vests should carry out a risk assessment as to best determine the most likely threats (this will help to determine whether or not a Level II, IIIA, IV vest is necessary.
The way a vest fits has a lot to do with the degree of protection it offers. Police officers should utilise style guides as well as carry out proper measurements prior to purchasing bullet proof vests. Female officers should opt for a vest designed for their body types as to ensure that the necessary coverage is obtained.
Bullet Proof Vests that fits just right will not prevent the wearer from accomplishing a full range of motion and thus, the wearer will be able to carry out the following tasks without difficulty:
- Bending
- Crouching
- Sitting
- Jumping
- Running