Awards for three outstanding citizens of Coventry
Tuesday, 18th March, 2014

Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Yvonne Mosquito is pictured with Rose and Allen Tyrrell and Assistant Police and Crime Commissioner Faye Abbott. Also centre back is the Lord Mayor of Coventry, Cllr Gary Crookes

Daniel Read, centre front, with his award
Police and Crime Commissioner's Outstanding Citizen Awards have today been presented to three people in Coventry who have shown exemplary dedication and commitment to helping their fellow citizens.
Husband and wife Rose and Allen Tyrrell and Daniel Read have been given awards in recognition by the Police and Crime Commissioner of their consistent dedication to their communities.
Winner of the Outstanding Young Citizen Award Daniel Read had decided he wanted do more for his community so he joined ‘Grapevine’ (organisation that helps disabled children and adults cope with everyday life).
Through this organisation Daniel has contributed to the lives of many people being particularly helpful in raising the confidence of members in activities like cooking, using public transport, going on holiday and many others.
He also DJ’s for some of the many fundraising events that help fund Grapevine and within the last year he has become a member of St Oswald’s Church organising fetes and helping out at the Foodbank.
Wanting to ‘give back’ to his own community, Daniel has become a member of the Bannerbrook Organisation arranging meetings, fundraising events and activities. He is undertaking a Princes Trust Programme and fundraises for their chosen charity (Barnardos).
He has taken his compassion for his community further still by becoming an active member of his local Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. He takes it upon himself to ensure that neighbours and members get to the meetings when they are scheduled.
Outstanding Citizen Award winners Rose and Allen Tyrrell are known to all community safety partner agencies for their work and commitment to the area in which they reside (Henley Ward) and to the City as a whole.
All of the works they do within the community are voluntary and nothing is done for personal gain. They both attend a number of different meetings to do with the area and the City and play active roles in all they participate in.
Despite their many commitments the couple have taken on the initial training of Police dogs, something they take very seriously, giving the young dogs every opportunity and experience they can.
The couple have experienced significant personal problems and ill health yet they are still dedicated to the work they do for the community and show no sign or indication that they wish to slow down.
Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Yvonne Mosquito said: "The intention of the Police and Crime Commissioner's Outstanding Citizen Awards is to say a special thank you to unsung heroes and heroines in the West Midlands. The nature of much of the work done by Rose, Allen and Daniel means that they rarely get any thanks. I have been delighted to accept the recommendation from Coventry to give long overdue recognition to these three valued members of the community."