Cleveland innovation award
Friday, 7th February, 2014
Cleveland Police has been awarded £650,000 from the government’s police innovation fund.
The money will allow the Force to deliver and further expand a new mobile working IT solution and strengthen the successful joint units between partner agencies.
Part of the grant will help the Force to continue to change with the digital age, by
allowing the implementation of new technology to help officers and staff quickly
access and respond to the information that they need - without the need to have to go to a police station.
The remainder of the additional funding will be used as part of a project to provide greater resilience to work across borders alongside partner agencies. It will enable the Force to look at ways in which communities can be better protected by building on the success of the joint Cleveland and Durham Specialist Operations Unit.
Deputy Chief Constable Iain Spittal said: “Cleveland Police is delighted with the award which will allow us to deliver and further expand our new mobile working IT solution. Mobile working will enable officers and staff to do more whilst away from the office, reducing the need to return to police stations, thereby increasing visibility and their accessibility to members of our communities.
Police and Crime Comm issioner for Cleveland, Barry Coppinger, said: “This
investment in technology will broaden our ability to work closely with partner agencies, further strengthening our ability to protect communities from harm.