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Ultraguard provides vital protection against arson

Thursday, 18th July, 2013

Recent tests carried out at Surrey Fire & Rescue Service have proved the value of the UltraGuard portable water mist fire protection system against arson attacks. The demonstrations were organised by Fire Investigation and Arson Reduction Manager Bryn Strudwick, and attended by Mark Howells, Surrey Police Crime Reduction Advisor, who respond to concerns of the police and rescue services about known threats of petrol arson attacks being made on families in the UK.

Supplied by leading fire protection specialists Ultra Surefire Group, UltraGuard showed in the tests (involving cardboard sheeting soaked in four litres of petrol and ignited) how the system could be activated by a flame detector or smoke detector to rapidly to lower the fire temperature. Simultaneously, carbon monoxide and noxious gas levels were reduced to survivable levels and the fire suppressed within seconds.

Peter Kemp, Managing Director of Ultra Surefire, explained “Holding 110 litres of water, UltraGuard acts as a first response in protecting the vulnerable. The system’s gentle water mist action will extinguish fire and the system is engineered to alert the fire and rescue services. The system can be installed in the hallway or fitted remotely with the nozzle in place to cover the area requiring protection.

“UltraGuard, using a small amount of foam additive will fully safeguard a space of up to 20 square metres and yet only uses 10% of the water required by conventional sprinklers. This minimises water damage to the property and assets as well as saving the occupants from the danger of injury or death.”

Statistics from a London borough claim that arson is the fastest growing crime in the UK. Every week an average of 2,100 fires are started deliberately across the UK, resulting in a weekly average of 55 injuries and two deaths. The cost per week is a staggering £40 million.


Bryn Strudwick of Surrey Fire & Rescue Service comments: “Typically, arson attacks on households involve between one and five litres of petrol being poured through the letterbox and then ignited. With stairways frequently leading directly from the front door area, fire can migrate rapidly to upper levels. These tests have confirmed that the UltraGuard water mist system is a fast reacting and effective barrier for protecting those at risk.”

UltraGuard portable water mist system has received growing interest from fire and rescue services across the UK in line with their desire to have sprinkler or misting systems installed in the homes of the elderly and vulnerable. Those lacking mobility and particularly smokers are most at risk. Recently, BBC East Midlands TV highlighted the UltraGuard installation by the Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service after a Home Fire Safety Check at the property of an elderly lady in Long Eaton. A short while later a fire caused by a cigarette falling into a litter bin could have had disastrous consequences but for UltraGuard’s fast-acting water mist fire suppression.

Derbyshire’s Chief Fire Officer Sean Frayne said “It was only a matter of time before a home where we had fitted domestic sprinklers or installed a portable misting system had a fire and the occupant was saved.”

Following a similar event involving UltraGuard coming to the rescue of an 86 year old smoker whose cigarette had ignited newspapers in his living room, Chief Fire Officer Martyn Emberson of Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service fully endorsed the provision and installation of the Ultra Guard water mist system to help protect the most vulnerable in society. “It really is like having your own fire fighter on hand 24/7 to put out a fire,” he said.

For information about Ultra Surefire products and services, contact

Ultra Surefire Limited

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