Newham ASB partnership
Thursday, 3rd January, 2013
Newham Police is working in partnership with the London borough of Newham's 'Street enforcement team' to tackle anti-social behaviour (ASB) under a new Met wide strategy.
Primarily driven by local Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNTs), staff will be conducting high visibility patrols in ASB hot spot areas, visiting residents and business as part of a 'street a week' initiative. The teams will be taking positive action against those that are identified as being a nuisance or for committing crime and disorder addressing any concerns and dealing with them as a priority.
Newham has recently introduced a Total Victim Care desk in its fight against Anti Social Behaviour (ASB). This department which is part of the wider 24/7 unit, has been set up specifically to improve the care and service provided to victims of crime and ASB, allowing police to respond more effectively to
issues raised.
Newham borough deputy ASB lead, Inspector Sean McDermid said: "Antisocial behaviour is a major area of risk and concern within the community; it is only right it is considered as serious as other criminal offences even if some incidents appear minor. Most of us have experienced ASB at some time in our lives and know how frustrating and distressing it can be. We are all too aware of those sad circumstances where ongoing ASB has lead to more serious outcomes."