New Organisation to oversee criminal records checking
Wednesday, 19th December, 2012
One-stop criminal record checks
The new Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) will provide a onestop shop service to those requiring criminal records disclosures and barring checks for employment purposes.
Portable CRB checks
Formed from the merger of the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and Independent Safe-guarding Authority (ISA), The DBS will also oversee a number of key government reforms including the introduction of portable CRB checks, which will eliminate the need for multiple checking and an online update service, which will make it easier for employers to assess individuals. Lord Taylor of Holbeach, Minister for Criminal Information, said: 'The maintenance of effective, robust and proportionate public protection arrangements is of paramount importance to this government. 'The DBS will provide a seamless service which will protect vulnerable groups, including children, in our society, while at the same time making checks simpler for individuals and their employers.
'It is a service that will help employers and volunteers - not ask them to jump through hoops and force them through unnecessary bureaucracy. 'But it is also important that employers do not just rely on checks by the DBS to make recruitment decisions. They have a professional duty to ensure that staff are properly managed and supervised and that, if they have concerns, information is referred to both the police and the DBS.'
What is changing?
Changes to the current system of criminal record checks and barring include:
• introducing portable criminal records checks to eliminate many unnecessary repeat checks, along with an online updating service to make it easier for employers to assess individuals;
• introducing a single criminal records certificate, which will be sent only to the applicant;
• introducing - for the first time - an independent right of review to allow individuals to challenge information disclosed about them before it is given to their employer; and
• reducing the number of positions requiring barring checks from 9.3 million to around 5 million.