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Mike Cripps NAPFM Event Manager looks at the 39th National Association of Police Fleet Managers Conference and Blue Light Fleet Exhibition

Monday, 25 June, 2012

These are challenging times in the Public Sector; every avenue must be explored to ensure that we do not miss an opportunity for the best use of resources, achieving best value and saving money.

Collaboration between the various sections of the Public Sector has to be an essential part of this rational. The National Association of Police Fleet Managers (NAPFM) and the National Strategic Ambulance Fleet Group (NSAFG) are once again collaborating at the Blue Light Fleet Exhibition on the 25th and 26th September 2012 at Peterborough Arena. A proposal for the Chief Fire Officers Association Transport Officers' Group (CFOA TOG) to join the fleet groups of the ambulance and police in 2013 has been turned down by CFOA TOG; however, it is still under review for the future.

There is so much synergy within the public sector fleet groups that spreads beyond the Emergency Services to all the fleets operated by central government and local authorities. The NAPFM and NSAFG have opened the doors to colleagues from any public sector to join them either as a conference delegate or as a visitor to the large exhibition.

The 39th NAPFM Conference will be covering a wide range of subjects. They will be hearing from the Association of Chief Police Officers Intelligent Transport System (ACPO ITS) regarding the results of the Driver and Vehicle Management Data System trial which has been taking place in ten police services and one ambulance service for almost a year. The Vehicle Certification Agency will be explaining the new rules as they apply to vehicle conversions.
Environmental issues will be covered by presentations on hydrogen fuel and "low emissions - which way forward".

As a number of polices forces opt to outsource many of their operations to the private sector delegates will be interested to hear an independent keynote presentation on "Outsourcing versus Public Sector Collaboration". Other subjects include satellite navigation distraction and vehicle end of life contracts.

The conference has already attracted delegates from police, ambulance, MOD and government departments as well as overseas police forces. The conference is an excellent opportunity for the wider public sector to work together to save money and improve efficiency as well as collaborating on pan-government procurement contracts.

The large exhibition running alongside the conference will provide many of the solutions for the needs of the public sector. Currently 112 exhibitors are registered; on display will be approximately 200 vehicles, warning equipment, workshop equipment, safety equipment and much more; new for the 2012 show is the "Low Emissions Zone".

Whilst the conference will be mainly of interest to those in fleet departments the exhibition has a wider interest to those in the public sector and emergency services. For more information and to register please visit

We look forward to welcoming you to Peterborough Arena on the 25th & 26th September 2012 for the 39th NAPFM Conference and Blue Light Fleet Exhibition.

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