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Police Family Remembers Fallen Colleagues

Tuesday, 19 June, 2012

Over 500 surviving family members and police service representatives gathered at the National Memorial Arboretum recently to remember those officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty.

The annual Care of Police Survivors (COPS) Service of Remembrance, which was attended by senior officers from police forces throughout the United Kingdom, was held on 10 June. The service was part of a weekend of events in support of survivors.

During the service, readings were given by survivors, including Lin Woodward on the 25th anniversary of her husband Ian's death. She reflected on Ian's 14 year career within the service, which was a stark reminder of the challenges officers faced at that time.

Widow Joanne Terry paid tribute to her husband, Ian, who was killed in a training exercise 4 years ago. In an emotional dedication, which moved many senior officers to tears, she gave insight on the impact the loss of Ian has had on the family. She highlighted the importance of the support given by COPS, and in particular how her two children, aged 2 and 4 at the time of Ian's death, had benefited.

The Roll of Honour for the 11 officers who died on duty during the last 12 months was read out and Sir Hugh Orde, COPS Trustee, closed the service with the words 'We should never forget those that have been lost'. He highlighted the work in progress to create a police memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum, to include the names of those officers who have been killed on duty.

Policing Minister The Rt Hon Nick Herbert MP paid tribute to those officers who have lost their lives heroically and reflected on the impact on families and colleagues.

Angela Ham, a Trustee of COPS said "Mr Herbert stressed the importance of the role of COPS within the Police Service and the need for this essential support to the police family. He highlighted the need for this national charity to receive a higher profile and committed to doing all he could to promote the role of COPS."

For further information contact Angela Ham, Trustee, Care of Police Survivors
Telephone: 07795 807162

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