PFEW statement on Winsor Part 2
Thursday, 15th March, 2012
The following statement has been issued on behalf of the Police Federation of England and Wales in relation to Winsor Part 2:
Paul McKeever, Chairman of Police Federation of England and Wales says;
" Having just received Tom Winsor's 1,000-page Part Two report we will all need time to properly analyse its contents and assess the impact of the recommendations for constables, sergeants, inspectors and chief inspectors throughout England and Wales.
" However, without the need to even turn a page I can tell you what police officers are currently thinking. They have already made a significant contribution to tackle the national debt; we've seen a minimum 20% cut to the police budget; the loss of 16,000 police officers expected over the next 4 years; £300 million removed from police pay; increased pension contributions; a two-year public sector pay freeze and then a capped 1% increase in years three and four. How much more are police officers expected to take?
" Police officers have had enough of the constant state of uncertainty and the deliberate, sustained attack on them by this government. They want to get on with the job they joined to do, serving their communities, and they expect the support of government. Instead they find themselves contending with cuts to pay and conditions of service, increased stress and pressures, falling numbers of police officers, low morale and the privatisation of essential police functions. Despite a growing list of demands and the reality of the cuts, they are doing their very best, but they know the government cuts are jeopardising public safety and the quality of service they are able to provide. The service cannot take anymore; enough is enough."