Siemens UK MD Dave Pickles responds to ACPO Research on CCTV
Tuesday, 22nd March, 2011
"At Siemens we applaud this latest research from the Association of Chief Police Officers on the number of CCTV cameras in place. Refining the original estimate now provides a clearer picture of the state of CCTV use in the UK. We would also like to see the CCTV debate look at usage of cameras as well as numbers involved. If badly positioned or if the information gleaned is limited or even not acted upon, then CCTV may not be performing as effectively as possible.
Perhaps the next security debate in 2011 should seek to look at the quality of information that today's surveillance systems can offer, with focus on intelligence-led, integrated technology solutions that can deliver better outcomes for the protection of our communities.
Such technology will monitor, capture, store and, crucially, share data across all interested parties charged with community responsibilities. This can help ensure that decision-making concerning the use of surveillance technology becomes more strategic and based upon using technology in identified locations to tackle particular problems. This approach can provide maximum benefit from what can be an expensive and limited resource.
Let's look at what CCTV we have got and make it smarter."