A Year Of Policing On South West Fife
Tuesday, 4th January, 2011

Kevin Woods
POLICE IN South West Fife have this week reflected on how 2010 saw policing brought even closer to communities.
Talking about policing over the last year, South West Fife Chief Inspector Kevin Woods said: "During the past year, a particular focus has been placed upon further strengthening community policing in South West Fife. This has allowed us to have a real focus on community concerns by taking policing closer to local communities, primarily through the Community Engagement Process which was introduced across the Force in January.
"Community Engagement has been a great success locally, with large numbers of people attending the meetings and having a real say in formulating the policing priorities for their own areas. The feedback received has been excellent and it is clear that we are listening to community concerns and that the work being undertaken to address these issues is having a real and lasting impact locally.
"Some examples of where local police action has delivered on the priorities set at the meetings include an operation undertaken in Inverkeithing aimed at addressing the illegal use of motorbikes which were causing a great deal of public nuisance and local concern. Numerous high visibility patrols were undertaken in the area including effective deployment of the Force mobile CCTV vehicle that assisted in detecting offenders. Plain-clothes patrols and co-ordinated deployment of Force Road Policing resources also contributed to tackling the issue.
"Community officers also conducted extensive local engagement with motorbike/quad bike users in the area to promote responsible alternatives. Throughout the initiative local residents were consulted and updated frequently through personal contact from community officers, and regular update as to the progress being made in addressing the issue via the Force Website. As a result of this operation, 4 persons were reported for a total of 8 charges in connection with the use of motorbikes. Two vehicle seizure warning letters were also issued.
"Oakley residents were concerned that drug misuse and anti-social behaviour was taking place within their community and decided that this should be a priority for the Police. In addition to deterrent patrols within the village, an intelligence led operation in November saw the recovery of £4,000 of drugs and two males being reported the Procurator Fiscal.
"Recent operations have also resulted in the seizure of cocaine from a house in Oakley and cannabis from a house in High Valleyfield.
"This local focus has been greatly assisted by the deployment of officers under the banner of Operation LASER which has been effective in not only providing reassurance to those members of the community, who have at times been inconvenienced by disorderly groups and people drinking in public, but has seen an increased police presence in areas where the public are telling us we need to be to tackle the issues of concern to them. Operation LASER utilises officers from across the Force, which means an increased number of officers are on the streets at weekends when they are most effective.
"As an example of the effectiveness of Operation Laser, a number of deployments were undertaken in South West Fife between January and Aril 2010 in support of local officers. The following results were achieved and provide an indication as to the success of Operation Laser.
A total of 34 additional officers deployed in support of local officers
98 hours of foot patrol and 295 hours of mobile patrol undertaken
18 people stopped and searched in relation to drugs offences
238 locations which have been identified by local people as problem areas visited by police officers
50 licensed premises visited
5 people reported for offences
4 people issued with Anti Social Fixed Penalty Tickets
60 litres of alcohol seized
Direct contact made with 47 people who have identified problems in their local communities
"The results delivered through the deployment of Operation Laser across South West Fife show our commitment to local communities to address the issues and concerns that mean the most to them. These proactive deployments will continue and send a strong message to those who consume alcohol in public places, commit crimes and offences and have a negative impact on local communities through their behaviour, that this type of conduct will not be tolerated and will be addressed by the police.
"This type of proactive activity will continue throughout the forthcoming year with a view to further enhancing public confidence and strengthening our approach to tackling the crimes and addressing the issues that are of most concern to local people.
"As an example of the pro-active partnership work ongoing in South West Fife, the Sherbrooke Initiative was developed to co-ordinate partnership action to provide a safe and secure neighbourhood in the Sherbrooke area of Rosyth. A Neighbourhood Plan was developed with actions/ target dates. It included specific actions to improve the visual environment, in relation to visual impact and community safety and to reduce anti-social behaviour."
Partnership work undertaken in the Sherbrooke Estate has included:
• structural refurbishment including installing correct lighting and environmentally friendly solar lighting, replacement of broken signs and new fencing
• weekly sanitisation via the Estate Caretaker including identification of bottles and cans deposited in order to trace the source
• additional youth facilities were promoted, local play parks tidied and unused railing removed
• specific Detached Workers were allocated the Sherbrooke Estate in order to promote these facilities and provide support to youths
• road safety calming measures were introduced to prevent speeding within the estate
• implementation of a garden competition to promote community spirit and self pride
• Fife Fire and Rescue Service targeted the Sherbrooke Estate promoting fire safety in relation to smoke detectors and general safety advice within the home
• high visibility Community Policing presence via identified Hot Spot areas and designated patrols were implemented to prevent and detect offences, assisting directing youths to alternative facilities and provide reassurance to the public during the peak times
specific Community Policing Action Plan was implemented to prevent local youths gaining access to alcohol.
The Partnership actions in relation to the Sherbrooke Initiative commenced on 1st July 2010.
Between July 2009 and 30 June 2010, a total of 94 calls related to public nuisance and noise were received in respect of the Sherbrooke Estate.
Since the introduction of this initiative there has been a dramatic reduction in calls to the Police in relation to these issues, with the recorded figures from 1st July 2010 to November 2010 being 17 calls.
In addition the Housing Association responsible for the majority of the homes on the Estate previously received regular complaints from residents in relation to the main issues addressed by this initiative. This has now changed to the extent that they have received positive feedback from local residents. Throughout the duration of this project, all 10 partners involved have had a vital part to play. As a direct result of this partnership approach and interaction by agencies the youths within the estate are more likely to approach their local Police Officers, and Detached Youth Workers and respond more positively to contact with the Police in general terms.
Councillor Alice McGarry, Chair of the South West Fife Area Committee, said: "I would like to take the opportunity to praise our communities in South West Fife for working together to make the area an even safer place to live and work. Through the Community Engagement Process we can look forward to making a bigger difference in 2011."
Chief Inspector Woods added, "This has been a very successful year in South West Fife. We have 12% fewer crimes recorded when compared to the same period last year and have seen very dramatic reductions in both vandalism and anti-social behaviour related crimes and offences which have both reduced by 25%.
"With this continued public support, and continuing to work closely with other agencies that cover South West Fife, I am confident we can look forward to an even safer 2011.
Chief Inspector Woods concluded by adding " I would encourage all people in South West Fife to attend their local Community Engagement Meeting and play an active role in setting the policing priorities for their area.
The next round of Community Engagement Meetings in South West Fife will be held as follows:
Cairneyhill Primary School, Cairneyhill
7pm, 11th January, 2011
Ash Lagoons, Low Valleyfield
7pm, 11th January, 2011
Carnock Community Centre, Carnock
7pm, 12th January, 2011
Parkgate Community Centre, Rosyth
7pm, 12th January, 2011
Inverkeithing High School, Inverkeithing
7pm, 11th January, 2011
Dalgety Bay Parish Church, Dalgety Bay
7pm, 12th January, 2011