Bikers Urged to Carry New CRASH Card
Wednesday, 22nd September, 2010

Midlands Air Ambulance has launched a life-saving CRASH card for bikers in the Midlands.
The CRASH card provides emergency personnel with vital information needed to treat a patient including name, date of birth, medication and medical history.
Carried within the lining of a biker's helmet, paramedics are alerted to the existence of the CRASH card by a small green dot on the side of the visor.
The card has been created by members of Midlands Air Ambulance (MAA) and the national Ambulance Motorcycle Club and was launched at MAA's Bike 4 Life event (25th July) which raised over £4,000 for the charity.
The CRASH card has the support of West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS), West Midlands Fire Service (WMFS) and West Midlands Police (WMP).
Paramedic Ian Burrell, chairman of the Ambulance Motorcycle Club, says: "This card is borne out of experience - it has been designed by serving paramedics who have been on both sides of an accident, as the injured rider or attending as medical help.
"If a biker is injured and unable to talk coherently because of concussion or having been knocked out, how does the ambulance crew find out who the patient is, what medication they take or their medical history?"
Funding for the cards has been provided by SP Services, international supplier of medical, first aid, paramedic and emergency rescue equipment.
Stef Langford Brown, creator of the cards at Midlands Air Ambulance says: "The CRASH cards are a great way to provide emergency services with vital information about a patient. The first 60 minutes after an incident is critical to the outcome of the patient's recovery so anything that reduces the time between incident and hospital is extremely worthwhile.
Over 500 bikers attended Bike 4 Life; a 100 mile massed ride out orgainised by Midlands Air Ambulance. To obtain a CRASH card call Stef on 0800 8402040 or visit
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