Crime in Derbyshire falls for the seventh year running
Thursday, 15 July, 2010
Today (July 15th 2010) the Home Office has published crime figures for England and Wales for 2009-10.
In Derbyshire crime overall reduced from 73,660 in 2008/09 to 68,005 in 2009/10 meaning there were more than five-and-a-half thousand fewer victims this year compared to last year.
And compared to 2002/03, when National Crime Recording Standards were introduced, there are 35,000 fewer victims of crime.
The end of year figures also saw domestic burglary reduced by nine per cent, vehicle crime by 22 per cent and criminal damage by 12 per cent. Violent crime rose by 0.6 per cent.
Deputy Chief Constable Alan Goodwin said: "It's a great achievement to have recorded a seventh year in a row of crime reductions.
"It is the first time since the crime recording standards came into being that we have dipped under 70,000 crimes.
"Most of all we're extremely pleased that we have even fewer victims of crime- 35,000 in the last seven years.
"It is testament to the hard work of all our officers and staff and the strong partnerships we have in the county that we have been able to produce these reductions in crime against a backdrop of being significantly under funded.
"We cannot underestimate the assistance we receive from the public. Without their information, their calls and their support we could not have achieved these results.
"The new Government has said the main aim it is setting for police is to reduce crime. This is of course the cornerstone of what we aim to do but there is a broader mission for policing in the 21st century.
"As an organisation we have innumerable and diverse challenges to face up to every day- from anti-social behaviour and domestic violence to terrorism and organised crime. We are also acutely aware of the impending cuts to policing budgets.
"We will strive to work even harder to maintain our performance levels and rise to the challenge of increasing people's confidence in the police and improve the quality of service we deliver to them."
Chair of Derbyshire Police Authority, Councillor Philip Hickson commented: "The continued reduction in crime levels shows clearly the level of dedication and commitment to local safety from all members of the force, despite unexpected budget cuts this year.
"This is the seventh consecutive year that crime levels in Derbyshire have fallen giving me confidence that the police and public are working effectively together, focusing on local priorities and tackling the right issues across the county."
The Positive Outcome Rate (which includes sanction detections and restorative justice disposals) has risen from 27.4 per cent in 2008/09 to 29.1 per cent in 2009/10.
Mr Goodwin added: "Between April 1st 2009 and March 31st 2010 there were 4,378 restorative justice disposals which has led to increased detections but more importantly increased satisfaction from victims.
"We work hard to give victims a choice in how their crime is resolved and we're pleased that so many people are happy with the way their case has been handled when resolved in this manner."