South Yorkshire Police Receive 'Fair' Rating
Thursday, 11th March, 2010
South Yorkshire Police has received a 'fair' grading across the three main categories of policing from Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC).
The national assessments confirm the progress that South Yorkshire Police has made across the board in reducing crime levels and improving confidence and satisfaction.
South Yorkshire Police was singled out by the HMIC for special mention. It was named as one of the four Forces which has improved on the most fronts over the last year, and also shows the greatest prospect of further improvement by any Force over the coming 12 months.
Around two-thirds of the overall gradings across the country fell into the 'fair' category.
South Yorkshire Police did not receive a single 'poor' score in any of the 18 individual measures which make up the overall ratings, unlike many other forces whose performance varied widely on different aspects of Policing.
South Yorkshire Police Authority chairman, Charles Perryman, said: "While I feel the progress made in South Yorkshire might have warranted even better ratings this year, I am very pleased that the Force is making consistent improvement right across the range of policing.
"The ratings and the comments from the Inspectorate, confirm that the pace of improvement in South Yorkshire is the best in the country.
"We have recently agreed a budget for next year which will help the Chief Constable and his officers maintain the impressive rate of progress that they have achieved so far."
For more information on the national report please visit: