10th Annual Performance Management for Police
Friday, 29th January, 2010

24 - 26 March 2010
CCT Venues - Canary Wharf, London, UK
With so many requirements of police forces across the UK and overseas, Performance Management is no longer a requirement, but an essential contributor and enhancer of modern day policing.
Balancing the demands of delivering all of the above within the APACs performance framework and the Policing Green Paper presents ongoing challenges for both Chief Constables and Heads of Performance Improvement.
Within for HQs and BCUs there will be performance managers/officers who are tasked with improving the overall force performance, this conference will provide attendees with current answers to current issues.
For more information, contact the IQPC Performance Management for Police Team at:
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7 368 9300
Email: enquire@iqpc.co.uk
Web: www.performanceforpolice.com