Biggleswade drivers made aware
Friday, 04 December, 2009

At the end of November, Ambulance, Fire and Police officers gathered in the Market Square in Biggleswade to raise the profile and awareness of driving safely.
The aim was show young drivers and party goers the effects and aftermath which results in a crash, especially leading up to the festive season.
The emergency crews put on a realistic road traffic collision scenario which included two young men being cut free from a wrecked car after a crash. Expert advice was on hand throughout the evening and the public were intrigued about our the ambulance service role when attending serious road traffic collisions.
The mock extrication certainly pulled in the crowds and the emergency crews made the whole event very much life like as they could. Biggleswade Fire Station Commander Simon Marlow who arranged the evening said: "Promoting road safety is a key activity of Bedfordshire and Luton Fire and Rescue Service because fire crews rescue seven times as many people from crashed cars as they do from burning buildings."
Assistant general manager Phil Cordon said: "My sincere thanks to Biggleswade based Graham Sharp, who gave uo his free time to take part in this worthy evening. We all hope that the public watching the extrication will take on board our drive safely messages."
A video of the evening can be seen on