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Countering Terrorism in a Changed World

Thursday, 19 November, 2009

Counter Terror Expo 2010, has become the largest Exhibition and Conference globally to focus solely on counter terrorism across the public and private sector. At the 2010 event there will be three conferences, including one supported by the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO).

The conferences feature over 75 internationally recognised speakers taking part in a range of key-note presentations, case studies, industry debates and panel discussions.
Registration for the conference will open on the 2nd of December to register your interest for the conference please visit:

Topics and Speakers confirmed to date include:

• Ensuring a Multilateral Response to Terrorism - Jean-Paul Laborde, Chair of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF), United Nations

• Cooperative Counter Terror Strategies with South East Asian Countries - Peter Drennan, APM, Assistant Commissioner Counter Terrorism, Australian Federal Police

• Facilitating Transatlantic Action in Response to Terrorism - Richard Froh, Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Armaments, IS-DI, NATO

• The Role of the United States in Countering the Changing Face of International Terrorism - Ambassador-at-Large Dell Dailey (Lieutenant General, USA, ret) and formerly the Dept. of State's Coordinator for Counterterrorism

• Achieving National Security in the Context of Current Terrorist Activity - Lord Carlile of Berriew QC, Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation

• Challenging Domestic Extremism & Political Violence - John Yates QPM, Assistant Commissioner, Specialist Operations, Met Police & Head: Terrorism & Allied Matters, ACPO

• The Role of Media in Countering Terrorism - Andy Hayman, former Assistant Commissioner Specialist Operations, Met Police

• A Global Threat Assessment - Sir David Veness, Chairman of the London First Security & Policing Advisory Board, and former Undersecretary-General for Safety and Security, United Nations

• Transatlantic vs International Security - Rt Hon Patrick Mercer MP, Chair All-Party Civil Contingency Group; Member Select Committee

• Protecting Infrastructure of pan-European Importance - Dick Heimans, Head of Sector, Counter Terrorism, DG Justice, Freedom and Security, European Commission

• Securing International Events & Infrastructure Against Terrorism - Commander Ian Quinton, Head of Security Architecture & Design, Olympic Security Directorate, Home Office

• Detecting Bombs at a Distance - the Localisation of Threat Substances in Urban Society - Dr. Sara Wallin, Coordinator - LOTUS Project, Department of Energetic Materials, FOI, Swedish Defence Research Agency

• Cyberspace and National Security - Raphael F. Perl, Head Action against Terrorism Unit, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

• Securing the UK's Position in Cyberspace - Air Commodore Graham Wright CBE, Deputy Director, Office of Cyber Security, Cabinet Office

• Early and Preventative Security - First Line of Defence Against Terrorism - Dr. Anja Dalgaard-Nielsen, Director of the Preventative Security Department, Danish Security and Intelligence Service

• Tackling Trans-border Crime & Terrorism - Michele Coninsx, Vice- President, Chair of the Counter-Terrorism Team and Belgian National Member, Eurojust

A full programme will be available from the 2nd of December to register your interest click on the conference enquiry button or email

TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOPS - alongside the exhibition there will be a series of 90 free-to-attend workshops focusing on the latest technologies and products available to assist in the fight against terror.

To view the workshop themes please visit

EXHIBTION - featuring over 250 leading companies specialising in counter terrorism products and solutions. To view the exhibitor list please visit

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