Merton SST Anniversary
Thursday, 1st October, 2009

PCSO Louise Russell, Bus driver Mark Cogley, PCSO Rob Tracey, PCSO Melissa Lucas and PS Ann Osland
The Merton Safer Transport Team celebrated their 2-year anniversary last month and below we have highlighted just
some of the examples of how the team has been successful.
Wimbledon Smarter Travel initiative
This initiative started in April with two
local high schools to try and prevent
over crowding at many of the bus stops within Wimbledon town centre.
Working with TFL the team has
encouraged local school children to
take part in the scheme, for example if
they do so they receive a free
breakfast and if they walk to school
five days out of eight they receive a £5
'Top Shop' Voucher or a cinema ticket.
Bus stop surgeries
The team has conducted various bus
stop surgeries to obtain opinions
and concerns of the travelling public
and were successful in greatly
reducing pickpocket offences. They
achieved this by numerous operations in conjunction with revenue protection officers and by raising awareness at bus stop surgeries and road show.
Issuing Oyster cards
Assisting young people who were due to start secondary school by helping them to apply for their Oyster card. With their parents consent the team took the photo
required for the oyster card and
forwarded the application to TFL for
processing saving time for parents.
This was also an ideal opportunity
for the team to introduce themselves
to the school children who may be
taking public transport unaccompanied
for the first time.