Preston SN Team Community Engagement Event
Tuesday, 29th September, 2009

On Friday 25th September, officers from Preston Safer Neighbourhoods (SN) Team gathered at Wembley Bowling Club, situated in King Edward Park, Wembley, along with club members to take part in a bowling match. Also in attendance were representatives from Brent Parks Department, Elders Voice, the local press and Preston Ward Councillor Harshadbhai Patel.
In July, officers from Preston SN Team attended Wembley Bowling Club and together, identified that it was a key priority to raise the profile of the club, and it's members, who are predominantly of retirement age. A suggestion was made to hold a bowling match between the Preston SN Team and the Bowling Club, with invitations to partner agencies to promote the event, aimed at highlighting the problems and issues that our elderly residents face.
Sergeant Michael How from Preston SN Team who organised the event said: "This event was all about getting key partners together with our elderly residents to hear their views or how we can improve their quality of life. Not only are we developing links ourselves, but also the club members are now able to identify the groups who may be able to offer support, which could come in any form. We are working extremely closely with the Brent Parks Departments' Paul Armstrong in not only improving the quality of the park, but also the site of the bowling club".
Margaret Britton, from Wembley Bowls Club said: "This has been a wonderful afternoon. It is so nice to see all ages mixing together. Today has enabled us to make contact with the organisations and people who are there to help us. I would personally like to thank Sergeant How and his team, for their hard work and effort in putting this event together".