Strengthening Marine Policing Capabilities
Friday, 4th September, 2009
Strathclyde Police's Marine Policing Unit (MPU) is now better equipped to crack down on crime, anti-social behaviour and provide a waterborne response to incidents
thanks to its new state-of theart vessels. The Force now has two Rigid Hulled Inflatables (RIBs), which in the last few months have been patrolling the
Force area providing essential assistance to traditional policing.
The first of these RIBs is a 5.3m single
engine Humber, which is able to be easily
transported to different locations and the other is a 7.5m twin engine Delta sea-going RIB which has an increased range and endurance. Berthed close to Greenock Police Office, the Delta RIB is more manoeuvrable and better suited to the diverse work undertaken by the department.This vessel is able to transport, in addition to the crew, up to six officers and equipment making it a vital police resource that can quickly deploy officers to some of the most isolated parts of the Force area.
Strathclyde Police's Marine Policing
Unit Sergeant,Iain Oliphant,said:"These
two vessels have many advantages providing
a more flexible, effective and efficient
platform from which we operate.
For example, specially trained officers
can approach and board other vessels
whilst on the move enabling Marine
Unit officers to board, inspect and conduct checks on all types of vessels arriving or passing through the Force area
often from foreign ports."