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Junior detectives in CSI event

Tuesday, 1st September, 2009

Future detectives

Youngsters from two Newcastle primary
schools investigated a 'crime scene' using the latest forensic techniques
at Northumbria University.

The pupils attended a High School Musical CSI event, which was organised by Northumbria's Student Recruitment team.

The activity day allowed the children to view a crime scene then examine pieces of
evidence using forensic science techniques and digital evidence in workshops throughout the day. The
workshops were provided by the Schools of Applied Sciences and Computing, Engineering and Information Sciences and included examinations of footprints, fingerprints and video evaluation.

At the end of the sessions the children viewed the CCTV footage of what actually
took place at the crime scene and saw how closely their investigations fitted the
real details of the crime.

High School Musical CSI at Northumbria is part of a North East regional outreach
service and linked to the Region's STEM Programme to promote young people's
engagement and enjoyment in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects and careers

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