£6m recovered from Lancs criminals
Monday, 10th August, 2009
Lancashire Police has recovered more than £6 million in cash and criminal assets over the past twelve months under the Proceeds of Crime Act, making 2008 one of the Constabulary's most successful years ever.
The figures, announced by the Home Office last month, showed Lancashire Constabulary has secured 87 confiscation orders to the value of £5,753,770 and obtained 100 forfeiture orders worth £983,225 between 01 April 2008 and 31 March 2009 with much of the money going back to victims of crime or to fund further financial investigations.
Lancashire Constabulary consistently remains one of the top ten forces across England and Wales at asset recovery and this year were fifth in the national figures for forfeitures. The force has Financial Investigators across the county whose job it is try to maximise every opportunity that they get to make sure that justice is not only done, but that it is also seen to be done.
Detective Inspector Steve Ashurst, Head of Lancashire Constabulary's Proceeds of Crime Unit, said: "Although the amount of money recovered cannot be used as a definitive measure of the amount of work that goes into financial investigation, it does illustrate that we are extremely serious about depriving criminals of their assets and more importantly giving back to victims what is rightfully theirs."
Money returned to Lancashire Constabulary is mainly used to fund Financial Investigator posts so the force can be even more effective and target more criminals. Although a proportion of the money seized by way of confiscation is returned to the police, the main priority is to compensate victims for any loss that they have incurred. It is for this reason that compensation is always paid to victims before any money is distributed to the Home Office and other agencies.