£10k charity target for canine calendar
Monday, 3rd August, 2009
Sussex Police Dog Unit is aiming to raise over £10,000 for Cancer Research by launching its very own charity calendar. The full-colour A3 sized calendar is packed full of photos featuring dogs from the unit and is now on sale.
The idea for the calendar came from PC Steph Barrett, who works within the dog unit. Steph said: "Cancer is a disease that affects the majority of us at some point and is obviously a very worthy charity. Local companies have pledged money to cover the cost of producing the calendar, which means that every penny of the money raised through sales will go to Cancer Research. The calendar looks brilliant."
Chief Constable Martin Richards said: "This is a really worthy cause and a great calendar. I encourage everyone - not just dog lovers - to go out and buy one!"
The calendars can be purchased for £5 from any dog handler (including Gatwick) or you can send a cheque for £6.50 (which includes postage and packing) paid to Sussex Police Authority, along with your name and address, to:
Sarah Moscatelli Dog Unit, Operations Department, Malling House, Church Lane, Lewes,BN7 2DZ. All profits will be going to Cancer Research