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Kelly Tackles the Panther

Wednesday, 04 February, 2009

Police Constable Kelly McTighe, a cycle team officer based in York as a member of the Guildhall Safer Neighbourhood Team has recently appeared on Sky One's Gladiators.

Kelly is keen on personal fitness, stepped up her training in June in preparation for the event.

She said "Although I have always tried to maintain a high level of physical fitness Gladiators demands a whole new regime as the events rely far more on upper body strength and agility."

Out of the original 10000 applicants Kelly was one of only 16 who made it through to appear on the show.

This included a gruelling three week training session on the exact same equipment that the combatants would be facing.

Kelly said "the training regime and competing in Gladiators is probably the greatest physical and mental challenge that I have ever faced. However, if they gave me the chance to appear again I would't even have to think about it.

I would be there is a heartbeat. The physical exertion is out weighed only by how enjoyable the whole experience was and the friendship built up between both my fellow competitors."

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