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Taser support welcomed in NI

Monday, 10 November, 2008

The Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland, Sir Hugh Orde, has welcomed the decision of the Northern Ireland Policing Board to support his proposal to introduce the Taser in the province on a permanent basis.

Following the Board's decision to endorse the proposal to introduce Taser for specialist firearms officers, the Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) process can now be completed allowing the Chief Constable to make a final decision.

Sir Hugh stressed that Human Rights and Equality considerations had been at the very core of the process to date. "We have liaised very closely with the Policing Board on the introduction of Taser and welcome the view of their Human Rights Adviser that PSNI have met the legal and human rights framework within which Taser can be used," he said.

"During the pilot we have put in place the highest levels of training, human rights compliant procedures and guidance to govern the use of Taser. "A full Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) was carried out in tandem with a Taser pilot scheme which began in January 2008. As part of the pilot, a limited number of Taser units were issued for operational deployment to officers from the Specialist Operations Branch in pre-planned operations and to support officers in difficult and dangerous situations."

He added, "Ultimately this is about saving lives. Officers go into dangerous situations and deal with violent criminals on behalf of all our communities on a daily basis. Taser remains a much-preferred alternative to shooting someone with live ammunition. As a professional Police Service, it is essential that we have the right equipment to protect the rights of everyone in those communities and I believe Taser will assist in this."

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