Smartwater Foundation Chairman Announced
Wednesday, 13th August, 2008
The SmartWater Foundation is delighted to announce the appointment of Sir Keith Povey QPM as its Chairman.
The SmartWater Foundation is a not for profit company established by SmartWater Technology Limited to provide charitable donations in support of crime reduction initiatives. The aim of the Foundation is to seek out and identify those communities and individuals that would benefit most from SmartWater's products to improve their quality of life, whilst continuing to support the police in terms of funding the provision of specialist equipment, forensic analysis and training of officers.
Sir Keith Povey joins The SmartWater Foundation with over 40 years of Police experience, having served at every rank of the Police Service. Sir Keith has experience working within four different police areas, including four years spent as the Chief Constable of Leicestershire Constabulary. Sir Keith has also spent five years working as regional HMI (Her Majesty's Inspector) for the MET Police and the East of England, and was responsible for leading inspection teams reviewing the efficiency and effectiveness of eleven Police Forces, including the MET.
From 2002 - 2005 Sir Keith served as Her Majesty's Chief Inspector Of Constabulary, one of the top two Police posts in the UK, acting as the senior professional advisor on Policing matters to the Home Secretary. Sir Keith was also Chair of the Police Leadership Development Board and Chair of the Senior Appointments Panel.
Sir Keith commented: "I am delighted to accept chairmanship of the SmartWater Foundation. I believe that SmartWater has already made a substantial and sustainable contribution to crime reduction across a whole range of crimes. Anyone who has seen The SmartWater StrategyTM implemented within an area cannot fail to be impressed by the impact.
I have also been impressed with the professionalism, commitment and enthusiasm of the staff at SmartWater. Their overall dedication has made the product the success it is today."
Phil Cleary, Chief Executive Officer for SmartWater Technology, said: "We are extremely pleased that Sir Keith Povey has agreed to act as Chairman for the SmartWater Foundation. Sir Keith joins us with a wealth of Police knowledge and experience which will be an invaluable resource to The SmartWater Foundation."