Police Federation responds to McNulty's announcement
Wednesday, 2nd July, 2008
Responding to the Police Minister, Tony McNulty's announcement at the Home Affairs Select Committee on Custody Sergeants, John Giblin, Chairman, Sergeants Central Committee, Police Federation of England and Wales says:
"Today's announcement by the Police Minister at the Home Affairs Select Committee is a victory for policing and the judicial system as a whole. This shows that not only has the Minister listened to the concerns of the many bodies involved in this important piece of work including the Federation, Superintendants' Association and the Federation's National Custody Forum but it marks a significant and commonsense move towards recognising the extremely important work the custody sergeant does.
"As the gatekeeper and linchpin, the Custody Sergeant is key to public trust in the Criminal Justice Process but until recently they have been over looked and undervalued. It is imperative that policing is done by fully trained police officers and the Ministers announcement is a victory for all who have fought to ensure this remains so."