Together We're 'Streets' Ahead, Says Andy
Tuesday, 1st July, 2008
An officer who took on one of the toughest jobs in Bedfordshire Police a month ago has today issued a public 'thank you' to residents for their support.
Chief Supt Andy Street is delighted with the welcome he has received since becoming Divisional Commander of County Division, which covers the vast Bedford, North Beds, Mid Beds and South Beds policing area.
Chf Supt Street, who took over from Chf Supt Andy Frost who moved to Luton, says he has already met with many councillors, MPs, community safety leaders, Home Watch representatives and other partners who actively support police work.
He says he and his colleagues are committed to building on those relationships and working with communities to boost detection rates and drive down key areas of crime like burglary, auto-crime and robbery.
The continued refinement of Neighbourhood Policing is another priority, along with those areas of criminality officers know also affect quality of life such as anti-social behaviour, under-age drinking and criminal damage.
Chief Supt Street said: "I am enjoying the challenge immensely and want to reassure communities that my colleagues and I are committed to providing the best service we possibly can.
"Time after time we hear about good work done by officers on this division, from the latest round of large drugs seizures to partnership initiatives in the community, and I am looking forward to building on successes like these.
"Having said that, I know everything isn't perfect, and people will not agree with every decision I make. However, by working out our differences and identifying priorities we can impact on crime even more effectively."
Although he faces a challenge, Chief Supt Street can draw on nearly a quarter of a century of experience in the police.
He spent around four years as a Deputy Divisional Commander, having moved to Bedfordshire from Humberside Police where he was Superintendent of Operations based in Hull.
Prior to that he spent most of his career with Northamptonshire Police where he worked in various specialist department including CID, firearms and the force Child Protection Team, which he helped to set up.
As a DI he was in charge of surveillance with the Special Crime Unit, which was the operational arm of the force, and later returned to CID as a DCI where he investigated serious crimes including murders.
Chf Supt Street, whose son is now following his footsteps into policing, said: "I have always enjoyed policing and am delighted to be part of a force that is so committed to a culture of continual improvement in its work."