Reaction to News of the Teachers Pay Award from Jan Berry, Chairman of the Police Federation for England & Wales who says.....
Wednesday, 16th January, 2008
" This announcement blows out of the water the government's own spin that public sector pay awards above 2% will fuel inflation. Particularly when Ed Balls now says that this award is consistent with the CPI inflation target of 2%. And how does this fit with us being told police pay was being suppressed because it's the first in the public sector pay settlements this year? What rubbish; I have no doubt the teacher's ability to take strike action influenced the government's decision to pay in full the recommendation of their pay review body.
" This will further increase the anger and betrayal police officers already feel. The government must stop their double speak; on the one hand praising us for our work tackling knife and gun crime, terrorism and floods, whilst on the other hand penalising and depriving the one group of workers who can do nothing about it of a fair pay settlement.
They must now do what's right and honourable - reverse their decision and award police officers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland the independent Police Arbitration Tribunal's recommendation of 2.5% in full from 1st September 2007."