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Motorists join forces with TRACKER to catch crooks

A new level of vehicle crime detection brings drivers together to create
a nationwide network to snare thieves
TRACKER's new Mesh Network is the latest innovation from the stolen vehicle recovery (SVR) expert and confirms the company's commitment to continually developing technology designed to tackle vehicle crime. TRACKER's Mesh Network creates an added defence against vehicle theft by using other vehicles already fitted with TRACKER SVR units to identify stolen vehicles fitted with TRACKER, therefore creating its very own social network.
The nationwide initiative uses TRACKER Locate and TRACKER Plant, two of the most advanced vehicle tracking devices available on the market to identify stolen vehicles or items of plant. 90%* of stolen cars fitted with TRACKER are returned to their owners and 80% of these are recovered within 24hrs. Both products offer users ground-breaking innovation, incorporating GSM, GPS and VHF technology in one unit, ensuring the speedy and safe recovery of stolen assets. Taking its innovation one step further with the integrated Mesh Network, vehicles and items of plant right across the UK will play an active role in helping to combat vehicle theft through a very simple but effective idea inspired by social networking.
How does the Mesh Network work?
The Mesh Network acts as a listening device. When a vehicle fitted with TRACKER Locate or TRACKER Plant passes any TRACKER SVR equipped vehicle that has been reported stolen, it automatically sends a signal to TRACKER providing the location of the stolen asset - even if it is hidden in a garage, container or underground car park. Both drivers are totally unaware that the stolen vehicle has been identified by TRACKER's Mesh Network.
Extending the 'Eyes and the Ears' of the police
DCI Mark Hooper of ACPO Vehicle Crime Intelligence says, "The new TRACKER Mesh Network will enable the police to extend the network of 'eyes and ears' to identify and locate stolen vehicles more effectively using advanced technology and allow us to stay one step ahead of criminals who are becoming more and more adept at stealing cars. This is a real opportunity for the motoring public to help us clamp down on car thieves and raises public confidence in our ability to recover their possessions and bring the offenders to justice."
"Our work with TRACKER has delivered and continues to deliver real results for my colleagues across the country, helping them recover stolen vehicles and importantly, arrest the criminals responsible.
Creating an Ever Expanding Web to Catch a Crook
"The launch of the Mesh Network takes tackling vehicle crime to a completely new level," explains Stephen Doran, Managing Director of TRACKER. "This pioneering initiative empowers drivers to play a positive role in the fight against vehicle crime by allowing their cars to be used as detection devices. Our ultimate goal is to create an ever-expanding web to catch vehicle thieves, as more and more vehicles become part of the Mesh Network. Just in the last few weeks alone, we have recovered over £200,000 worth of stolen vehicles as a direct result of the Mesh Network. Speed is a crucial element in TRACKER's ability to combat vehicle crime.
"In time, as more vehicles are installed with TRACKER Locate and TRACKER Plant, a comprehensive nationwide community of vehicles will provide the ultimate defense against vehicle theft. Used by all 52 police forces, TRACKER's products are constantly evolving to remain ahead of the continuously shifting tactics of car criminals. The Mesh Network is the latest solution launched by TRACKER and designed to increase the chances of catching and convicting thieves and returning vehicles to their owners."
*Based on analysis of stolen and recovered cars January-June 2011
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