Senior Lecturer in Professional Policing
Reference: Police Life
Date Posted: 26 Jun 2020
Salary: £46,718 - £54,131 per annum
Position Type: Full time
Location: Wales
Location: Cardiff School of Education and Social Policy
Location: Cyncoed Campus, Cardiff
Grade and Salary: Grade 8A/B £46,718 - £54,131 per annum
Hours: 37 hours per week
Tenure: Permanent
Cardiff Metropolitan University is one of the UK’s most progressive new Universities, with around 10,000 students based at its two campuses in Cardiff. It consistently ranks in the top ten per cent of UK higher education institutions for graduate start-ups per student, and this spirit of innovation and enterprise lies at the heart of the University. Programmes and research are undertaken across five key Schools: Art and Design; Education and Social Policy; Sport and Health Sciences; Management; and Technologies. The University is part way through an ambitious strategic plan to 2023 that will see it concentrating on enhanced student outcomes with growth in international activities, disciplinary breadth and overall scale. The University prides itself on the role that translational research plays in enhancing the student experience.
The School offers a diverse and stimulating range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in education, humanities and social policy. Working collaboratively with external partners, schools and organisations we ensure that our programmes are discipline specific, innovative and professionally relevant.
The opportunity exists for a suitably experienced candidate to contribute to the delivery of the new BA (Hons) Professional Policing. There will be a requirement to teach the College of Policing professional policing curriculum. Contribution to the School’s other taught programmes may be required.
You will engage in research and scholarly activities that contribute to the School’s strategic priorities. The successful candidate will supervise student research and placements as appropriate. You will be required to undertake administration associated with teaching, programme management and other duties as directed by the Dean of School. You will be required to engage in other activities within the school including innovation activities.
Principal Duties and Responsibilities
Teaching and learning support
Research and scholarship
Liaison and networking
Managing people
Pastoral care
Essential Criteria
A good honours degree in a relevant subject
Ability to achieve Fellow Status as part of the Higher Education Academy’s Professional Recognition scheme, within agreed timescales (as soon as is practicably possible and definitely within three years of commencement of employment).
Membership of a professional body.
Senior Lecturer
An in-depth knowledge of specialist subject and professional area.
An in-depth understanding of pedagogy.
An in-depth understanding of research/enterprise and scholarly activity.
Ability to design, develop and deliver a range of programmes at various levels.
Ability to review programme design on a regular basis to ensure compliance with quality standards and academic regulations and to make alterations where appropriate.
Ability to contribute to the achievement of the School Development Plan and the institutions strategic planning processes.
Ability to develop research objectives, prepare proposals, carry out independent research, referee and contribute to peer assessment.
Ability to identify opportunities for strategic development/improvement e.g. research projects, new courses, consultancy.
Ability to identify (through the analysis of appropriate management information) areas requiring improved performance e.g. student numbers, student satisfaction.
Experience in strategic and operational policing leadership, normally at Inspector level or above, especially in community/response policing and critical incident management.
Demonstrable experience of effectively designing and implementing a range of formative and summative assessments associated with police leadership Experience of HE teaching or equivalent.
Experience of providing academic leadership and first line support/mentoring for other colleagues.
Experience of engaging in pedagogic and practitioner research
To view the Senior Lecturer in Professional Policing full Job Description and Person Specification please click Senior Lecturer in Professional Policing
Please also visit our Recruitment Pack here.
Closing Date: Friday, 3rd July 2020
Given the current situation across the UK, we will take a flexible approach to planning the interviews, which are likely in the first instance to take place virtually. We will confirm interview dates with shortlisted candidates as soon as possible.
For further information about this role and to apply please visit:
Teitl swydd: Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Plismona Proffesiynol
Lleoliad: Ysgol Addysg a Pholisi Cymdeithasol Caerdydd
Lleoliad: Campws Cyncoed, Caerdydd
Gradd a Chyflog: Gradd 8AB Cyflog: £46,718 - £54,131 y flwyddyn
Daliadaeth: Parhaol
Oriau: Yn atebol am 37 awr
Mae Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd yn un o Brifysgolion mwyaf blaengar y DU gyda thua 10,000 o fyfyrwyr ar ei dau gampws yng Nghaerdydd. Mae’r Brifysgol yn gyson ymhlith deg y cant uchaf o Sefydliadau Addysg Uwch y DU ar gyfer cychwyn busnes i raddedigion fesul myfyriwr a’r ysbryd arloesi ac entrepreneuriaeth hwn sydd wrth wraidd y Brifysgol. Ymgymerir â rhaglenni a addysgir ac ymchwil ar draws pum Ysgol allweddol: Celf a Dylunio; Addysg a Pholisi Cymdeithasol; Chwaraeon a Gwyddorau Iechyd; Rheoli; a Thechnolegau. Mae’r Brifysgol hanner y ffordd drwy gynllun strategol uchelgeisiol i 2023 lle bydd yn canolbwyntio ar ganlyniadau gwell i fyfyrwyr gyda thwf mewn gweithgareddau rhyngwladol, lled ac ystod gyffredinol ei disgyblaethau. Mae’r Brifysgol yn ymfalchïo yn y rôl mae cymhwyso ymchwil yn ei chwarae i wella profiad myfyrwyr.
Mae’r Ysgol yn cynnig ystod amrywiol ac ysgogol o raglenni israddedig ac ôl-raddedig mewn addysg, y dyniaethau a pholisi cymdeithasol.Gan weithio ar y cyd â phartneriaid, ysgolion a sefydliadau allanol rydym yn sicrhau bod ein rhaglenni yn benodol i ddisgyblaeth, yn arloesol ac yn berthnasol yn broffesiynol.
Mae cyfle ar gael i ymgeisydd sydd â phrofiad addas i gyfrannu at y gwaith o gyflwyno’r BA (Anrh) Plismona Proffesiynol newydd. Bydd yn ofynnol addysgu cwricwlwm plismona proffesiynol y Coleg Plismona. Mae'n bosibl y bydd angen cyfrannu at raglenni addysgu eraill yr Ysgol.
Byddwch yn ymgysylltu mewn ymchwil a gweithgareddau ysgolheigaidd sy'n cyfrannu at flaenoriaethau strategol yr ysgol. Bydd disgwyl i'r ymgeisydd llwyddiannus oruchwylio ymchwil a lleoliadau myfyrwyr fel y bo'n briodol. Disgwylir ymgysylltiad â'r broses o recriwtio myfyrwyr a darparu cyngor ar gyfleoedd gyrfa.
Bydd gofyn i chi ymgymryd â gwaith gweinyddol sy'n gysylltiedig ag addysgu, rheoli rhaglenni a dyletswyddau eraill yn unol â chyfarwyddyd Deon yr Ysgol. Bydd gofyn i chi gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau eraill o fewn yr ysgol gan gynnwys gweithgareddau arloesi.
Prif Ddyletswyddau a Chyfrifoldebau
Cefnogaeth addysgu a dysgu
Ymchwil ac ysgolheictod
Cyswllt a rhwydweithio
Rheoli pobl
Gofal bugeiliol
Meini prawf hanfodol
Gradd anrhydedd dda mewn pwnc perthnasol.
Y gallu i ennill Statws Cymrawd fel rhan o Gynllun Cydnabyddiaeth Broffesiynol yr Academi Addysg Uwch, o fewn amserlenni y cytunwyd arnynt (cyn gynted ag y bo'n ymarferol bosibl ac yn bendant cyn pen tair blynedd o ddechrau cyflogaeth).
Aelodaeth o gorff proffesiynol.
Uwch Ddarlithydd
Gwybodaeth fanwl am blismona.
Dealltwriaeth fanwl o addysgeg.
Dealltwriaeth fanwl o ymchwil/arloesi a gweithgarwch ysgolheigaidd.
Y gallu i gynllunio, datblygu a chyflwyno amrywiaeth o raglenni ar lefelau amrywiol.
Y gallu i adolygu cynllun y rhaglen yn rheolaidd er mwyn sicrhau y cydymffurfir â safonau ansawdd a rheoliadau academaidd ac er mwyn gwneud newidiadau lle y bo'n briodol.
Y gallu i gyfrannu at gyflawni'r Cynllun Datblygu Ysgol a phrosesau cynllunio strategol y sefydliad.
Y gallu i ddatblygu amcanion ymchwil, paratoi cynigion, gwneud ymchwil annibynnol, gweithredu fel canolwr a chyfrannu at asesu cyfoedion.
Gallu i nodi (drwy ddadansoddi gwybodaeth reoli briodol) y meysydd sydd angen gwella perfformiad ynddynt e.e. niferoedd myfyrwyr, bodlonrwydd myfyrwyr
Y gallu i nodi (drwy ddadansoddi gwybodaeth reoli briodol) feysydd lle mae angen gwell perfformiad e.e. niferoedd myfyrwyr, bodlonrwydd myfyrwyr.
Profiad o arweinyddiaeth strategol a gweithredol, fel arfer ar lefel arolygydd neu uwch, yn enwedig mewn plismona cymunedol/ymateb a rheoli digwyddiadau critigol.
Profiad amlwg o gynllunio'n effeithiol a gweithredu ystod o asesiadau ffurfiannol a chrynodol sy'n gysylltiedig ag arweinyddiaeth yr heddlu.
Profiad o ddarparu arweiniad academaidd a chymorth/mentora llinell gyntaf i gydweithwyr eraill.
Profiad o gyfrannu at ddatblygu strategaethau academaidd, er enghraifft ymchwil a menter, addysgu a dysgu.
I weld y Swydd Disgrifiad a’r Manyleb Person Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Plismona Proffesiynol
a Pholisi Cymdeithasol cliciwch Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Plismona Proffesiynol
Hefyd i weld ein Pecyn Recriwtio, cliciwch yma.
Dyddiad Cau: Dydd Gwener, 3 Gorffennaf 2020
O ystyried y sefyllfa bresennol ledled y DU byddwn yn cymryd dull hyblyg wrth gynllunio'r cyfweliadau, sy'n debygol, yn y lle cyntaf i gymryd lle yn rhithiol. Byddwn yn cadarnhau dyddiadau cyfweliadau gydag ymgeiswyr ar y rhestr fer cyn gynted â phosibl.
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y rôl hon ac i wneud cais ewch i: